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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - signature


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Перевод с английского языка signature на русский

1. сущ. подпись - affix a signature - authentic signature - authorized signature - certify a signature - counter signature - fictitious signature - genuine signature - signature card 2. гл. подписывать, ставить подпись SIGNATURE 1) подпись 2) подписание – digital signature – handwritten signature
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См. в других словарях

  1. (собственноручная) подпись specimen signature —- образец подписи to put one's signature (to a document) —- поставить свою подпись (под документом) 2. автограф 3. подписание 4. полигр. сигнатура 5. полигр. сфальцованный печатный лист 6. муз. ключевые знаки (также key signature) 7. музыкальная шапка (радиопрограммы) 8. фарм. сигнатура 9. подписывать, ставить подпись 10. полигр. ставить сигнатуру ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  tune noun мелодия, возвещающая начало или конец какой-л. передачи; музыкальная шапка, музыкальная заставка SIGNATURE noun  1) подпись; to bear the signature (of) - быть подписанным (кем-л.); over the signature - за подписью  2) typ. сигнатура  3) mus. ключ  4) radio музыкальная шапка ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) сигнатура; порядковый номер; обозначение 2) регистрируемая характеристика ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  1) подпись 2) сигнатура 3) сигнатурный eight-page signature folding — двухсгибная фальцовка four-page signature folding — односгибная фальцовка signature of algebraic system — сигнатура алгебраической системы signature of bilinear form — сигнатура билинейной формы signature of quadratic form — сигнатура квадратичной формы signature of symmetric matrix — сигнатура симметрической матрицы sixteen-page signature folding — трехсгибная фальцовка - countable signature - enlarged signature - even signature - formula of signature - infinite signature - manifold signature - metric signature - model signature - opposite signature - publisher's signature - representation signature - signature analysis - signature factor - signature generator - signature theorem - spectrum signature - wrong signature ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) (электронная) подпись 2) признак(и) 3) алгоритм 4) форма волны 5) сигнатура – blind signature – digital signature – electronic signature – spectrum signature ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) характерный признак; характеристика (объекта) 2) полигр., вчт. сигнатура 3) сфальцованный лист, тетрадь 4) рисунок [форма] волны (на сейсмограмме) - close head signature - digital signature - Doppler signature - geophysical signatures - lap signature - machine signatures - open three sides signature - radar signature - scattering signature - target signature - title signature - tool signature ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a a person's name, initials, or mark used in signing a letter, document, etc. b the act of signing a document etc. 2 archaic a distinctive action, characteristic, etc. 3 Mus. a = key signature. b = time signature. 4 Printing a a letter or figure placed at the foot of one or more pages of each sheet of a book as a guide for binding. b such a sheet after folding. 5 US directions given to a patient as part of a medical prescription. Phrases and idioms signature tune esp. Brit. a distinctive tune used to introduce a particular programme or performer on television or radio. Etymology: med.L signatura (LL = marking of sheep), as SIGNATORY ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Middle French or Medieval Latin; Middle French, from Medieval Latin signatura, from Latin signatus, past participle of signare to sign, seal  Date: 1536  1.  a. the act of signing one's name to something  b. the name of a person written with his or her own hand  2. a feature in the appearance or qualities of a natural object formerly held to indicate its utility in medicine  3.  a. a letter or figure placed usually at the bottom of the first page on each sheet of printed pages (as of a book) as a direction to the binder in arranging and gathering the sheets  b. one unit of a book comprising a group of printed sheets that are folded and stitched together  4.  a. key ~  b. time ~  5. the part of a medical prescription that contains the directions to the patient  6. something (as a tune, style, or logo) that serves to set apart or identify; also a characteristic mark  7. fingerprint 2 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (signatures) 1. Your signature is your name, written in your own characteristic way, often at the end of a document to indicate that you wrote the document or that you agree with what it says. I was writing my signature at the bottom of the page. N-COUNT 2. A signature item is typical of or associated with a particular person. (mainly JOURNALISM) Rabbit stew is one of chef Giancarlo Moeri’s signature dishes... ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n your name written in the way you usually write it, for example at the end of a letter or contract or on a cheque  (I couldn't read his signature. | a petition with four thousand signatures | put your signature to/on (=sign something to show that you agree with it)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1534, from M.Fr. signature, from M.L. signatura "sign," in classical L. "the matrix of a seal," from signare "to mark, sign." Replaced M.E. sign-manual. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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